Sell Your Home in the Fall

Experience Matters Most

As the season starts to change, the real estate market follows suit. Some might find autumn to be a challenging time to sell a home, due to fluctuating demand, unpredictable weather, hectic schedules, and the exposure to potential issues like HVAC or insulation problems and even the occasional cobweb!

Our perspective shares that buyers are more serious and eager to close the deal quickly. Selling a home during the fall shouldn’t be intimidating just because Halloween is looming; instead, it should be viewed as an opportunity to embrace the season’s cozy and inviting ambiance!

In our latest blog post, we’ve created a collection of ideas for you to incorporate into your seasonal selling strategy. By infusing your home with warm, inviting colors, plush textures, and comforting aromas, you can create a welcoming sanctuary for potential buyers and their families to fully immerse themselves in and savor the essence of the season!

Read Our Blog

Say Hello To Our New Real Estate Executives

Katy Vinson - The Gresham Group
Katy Vinson

Katy’s motto “Treat others the way you’d like to be treated” is a principle that’s guided her both personally and professionally. She is a firm believer that a home is where the best memories are made and she can’t wait to help you make them for you and your family. Katy enjoys spending time outdoors with her beautiful family.

Meet Katy
Amber Woods The Gresham Group
Amber Woods

Born in Missouri, Amber’s heart found its home in Kansas City 8 years ago. In her time, she has found hidden all around the metro area. She is here to ensure the buying and selling process are as smooth as possible. She wants to hear what ‘home’ truly means to you! When she’s not helping families, you’ll find her in the mountains in Colorado or on a Mexico beach!

Meet Amber

Tips of the Trade

A new fall chill in the air is the perfect time to thinking of heating our home. Before you grab that PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte), check out these tips for your home:

Don’t Block Your Vents

Don’t make your heater work harder than it has to – make sure furniture or drapes aren’t blocking vents. Vacuum out dust or pet hair from the dampers too.

Inspect and Service

Change your filter on a regular basis and schedule semi-annual “tune-up” to your heating system. A clean filter is a key component in making your system work efficiently.

Put the Blades in Motion

Make sure your ceiling fan is running counter-clockwise. The warmest air in your home is closest to the roof, so when your fan runs the right way it will push that air down, adding an extra layer of warmth.

Use the Sun

Open the curtains on your south-facing windows during the day to absorb heat from the sun’s natural rays. Pull them closed at night to reduce the chill that settles in your home.

Q&A with Marks Heating and Cooling

If you’re going to upgrade, what is something to consider?

  • Upgrading to a higher efficient piece of equipment will save you money on utilities.
  • Consider if your current system was sized correctly for your home.  

What’s the most important thing to do when making an appointment with Marks Heating and Cooling?

  • Just call and we will ask you the questions to make sure we can service you efficiently.

I’m looking to reduce my monthly bill, what can I do?

  • Upgrade your system to a higher efficiency unit, or add programmable thermostats to have better control over your system.

In your honest opinion, what’s the most reliable brand or unit for your home heating and cooling needs?

  • Heil and Bosch are both very reliable systems and are what we install predominantly. There are other good products; however, quality installation is key to the life of your system along with maintenance.

The Tee on The Gresham Group

The Gresham Group team enjoyed a quarterly get-together by teeing up for the Fall. 

Thinking of Buying in 2024?

It’s never too early to start saving for a downpayment!

I bet you’re wondering how to stash away enough cash for that down payment, right? Well, you’re in good company because a lot of folks are in the same boat.

Rent these days can squeeze your budget tightly, making it tough to save up for anything. But with the way things are shaking out in the housing markets, a monthly mortgage payment can actually be a smarter move in some places.

Remember, a 20% down payment isn’t always a requirement. If you want to purchase a home next year, reach out to one of our trusted real estate professionals to start the conversation about your goals.
Sell Your Clutter

No matter what time of year it is, there’s never a bad season to do some good old spring cleaning. Like getting rid of those old clothes, furniture, or electronics that have been collecting dust and doing nothing for you. It’s not just about decluttering; it’s about making some extra dough too!

Now, if you’re thinking about selling stuff, there are a bunch of online platforms out there. But hey, if the whole online selling scene isn’t your jam, you can always go old-school and host a garage sale or a yard sale. That way, you can turn your clutter into cash!

Cut Back on Spending

Sure, hitting up happy hour after work, catching a movie on the weekends or browsing the additional subscription-based apps is a blast, no doubt about it. But if you’re looking to beef up your bank balance, trimming down those extra activities and monthly automatic payments can speed up your savings.

Instead of shelling out extra bucks at the movies, dust off the classics you already own. If you’re missing the social scene, round up some pals and host a game night at your place.

Challenge yourself and stash that extra cash pronto! You might be surprised how much this adds up without the temptation to spend it.

Earn More Cash

If you’re up for putting in some extra effort over the weekends or after your regular job, a side hustle could be your ticket to more cash. You’ve got options like dog walking, waiting tables, house sitting, or even selling your handmade crafts online or to your buddies. But why stop there? Let’s get a bit more creative!

If you’ve got a spare room or even a comfy couch, people are willing to rent your space. And if you’re lucky enough to have a driveway, renting out a parking spot could be a goldmine, depending on your location.


Buying and selling a house is an emotional process. Our agents are here to be your trusted advisor and lifelong friend. We’re dedicated to the people of Kansas and Missouri and believe everyone should be able to find home.
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